About SirNicolay
SirNicolay or James Nicolay is a self-proclaimed photography lover; by profession he's a teacher and photography is more of a passion than anything else. His style in photography defies the usual techniques from other photographers and his teaching style breaks boundaries of "the usual" photography classes. His approach in photography is unique and practical; he believes that great photography can be mastered through learning the basic skills, perfecting compositions regularly, and improving one's eye for photography; therefore, for him, a photographer should NOT depend too much on equipment and editing but should rely on and believe in his vision and story for the work of art he's shooting. He's a proud owner of his awesome new Fujifilm X-H1 and three Fujinon lenses. E-mail him your inquiries at sirnicolay@gmail.com or text him at 09285034878 (free if you're using Viber!). He may be busy from 7AM-4PM because of his normal day job, but 5PM onwards, he's usually free and will entertain your questions and requests.